Getting started with react native desktop for your next project

If you’re looking for a way to write desktop applications using React Native, react-native-desktop is a new project that enables you to do just that. It provides a set of APIs and components that allow you to create native desktop apps using the same React code that you use for web or mobile apps. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to get started with react-native-desktop and what it can offer your next project.

What is react-native-desktop?

React Native Desktop is a new project that enables you to write desktop applications using React Native. It provides a set of APIs and components that allow you to create native desktop apps with the same React code that you use for web or mobile apps.

With react-native-desktop, you can leverage your existing React skills to build desktop applications that are cross-platform and work on multiple operating systems. react-native-desktop also offers a number of benefits over other desktop development frameworks, such as increased performance and improved developer experience.

If you’re looking for an easy way to get started with developing desktop applications, react-native-desktop is a great option. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of getting started with react-native-desktop.

Getting started with react-native-desktop

Getting started with react-native-desktop is quick and easy. The first thing you need to do is install the react-native-desktop CLI. Once you have the CLI installed, you can create a new react-native-desktop project with the following command:

react-native-desktop init my-project

This will create a new directory called my-project that contains all the files necessary for a react-native-desktop application.

Once your project is set up, you can start writing code in the src/ directory. The entry point for your react-native-desktop app is index.js, so this is where you’ll want to start adding code.

What react-native-desktop can offer your next project

React-native-desktop can offer your next project a number of benefits. Firstly, react-native-desktop apps are cross-platform and work on multiple operating systems. Secondly, react-native-desktop offers increased performance over other desktop development frameworks. Finally, react-native-desktop provides an improved developer experience, making it easier to build and maintain desktop applications.


React Native Desktop is a great option for developing cross-platform desktop applications. It offers increased performance, improved developer experience, and is easy to get started with. If you’re looking for a way to write desktop applications using React, react-native-desktop is the perfect solution.

Turning NextJS website to desktop app: Electron, React-Native or React-Desktop

There are three main ways to turn a NextJS website into a desktop app – using Electron, React Native, or React Desktop.

Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right one for your project.

If you need a cross-platform solution that can be run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, then Electron is the best option. However, if you’re only targeting Windows or macOS, then React Native or React Desktop may be a better choice.

Finally, if you’re looking for the best performance possible, then React Native is the way to go. However, if you need an easy way to get started with desktop development, then React Desktop may be a better option.

No matter which approach you choose, react-native-desktop is a great way to turn your NextJS website into a desktop app.

Best desktop apps with react native by Neoxi

Neoxi has a wide range of experience in developing desktop applications, and react-native-desktop is our preferred framework for this type of development. React Native provides a number of benefits over other frameworks, including increased performance and improved developer experience. In addition, Neoxi is very familiar with the React Native ecosystem and can quickly develop high-quality desktop apps that are cross-platform and work on multiple operating systems. If you’re looking for a team to develop a desktop app using React Native, then Neoxi is the perfect choice.

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